Notifyr - Notifications for Bitbucket
Favorites for Bitbucket
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Notifyr - Notifications for Bitbucket
How to manage your watches
Advanced Notifyr usage
Setting up a repository hook with JSON
Using wildcards in hook configuration
Data Center Migration Support
Customize your notification templates
Disable the built-in notifications
How to disable Favorites in Notifyr
Notifyr Release Notes
Notifyr security advisories
Notifyr Security Advisory 2021-01-15
Notifyr 8.0 release notes
Notifyr 8.0 release notes
Notifyr 7.0 release notes
Notifyr 6.1 release notes
Notifyr 6.0 release notes
Notifyr 5.3 release notes
Notifyr 5.2 release notes
Notifyr 5.1 release notes
Notifyr 5.0 release notes
Notifyr 4.5 release notes
Notifyr 4.4 release notes
Notifyr 4.3 release notes
Notifyr 4.2 release notes
Notifyr 4.1 release notes
Notifyr 4.0 release notes
Notifyr 3.9 release notes
Notifyr - End of Life Policy
Troubleshooting Notifyr
Enable debug logging for Notifyr
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Advanced Notifyr usage
Children macro unable to render for apps.